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To sum up, I must express that this module has significantly expanded my understanding of drawing. I have acquired numerous skills that are relevant to my desired degree program in the future. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have had this early advantage. Exploring various technical aspects of architectural drawings has greatly deepened my appreciation for the significance of precision and objectivity when it comes to finding graphical solutions. Undoubtedly, I have experienced immense happiness and enjoyment throughout this final semester of my foundation course. From the initial assignment to the last one, I have gained a wealth of new knowledge that distinguishes it from the previous two semesters. Despite sacrificing sleep to complete all the assignments, I genuinely relished the experience.

Furthermore, I must mention that I had the pleasure of encountering an exceptional lecturer and tutor. But that's not all; I also had the opportunity to connect with wonderful classmates throughout this semester. My time in the foundation program holds a special place in my heart, and I truly cherish every moment of it.


End of my last ITD lecture class and that's the end of my foundation ;)

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